Andreea Mocanu


Profile Picture

 I am a number theorist by training, currently working as a Software Engineer in secure communications.
 My research revolved around the arithmetic theory of Jacobi forms and their relation to other types of automorphic forms.


2015—2019 University of Nottingham, PhD Mathematical Sciences
2011—2015 University College London, MSci Mathematics
2007—2011 Colegiul Naţional "Petru Rareş" Piatra Neamţ, Diplomă de Bacalaureat

Research visits

May—Jul 2019 University of Durham, Visiting Researcher
Oct—Nov 2018 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Visiting Scientist


Grants and fellowships

Presentations and projects





I prepared a workshop on How to write mathematics and delivered it to first year Natural Sciences undergraduates at UoN in Spring '18. I have been a tutor, marker and demonstrator for the following modules in the School of Mathematical Sciences at UoN:

Conferences attended


You can find me on GitHub.

Here is a collection of external resources for modular forms:

This is a list of personal recommendations for books related to modular forms: